Onbording guide for apaleo clients
Open: https://apaleo.bedaya.ch/
Click the “Login with apaleo” button

Authorize Bedaya Connect

Choose your property

Choose BFS Export

Enter the details for the export

Field Descriptions
BFS Identification Number: The identification number of the property. This number you get from the BFS.
Number of Rooms: Number of rooms in your property
Number of Beds: Number of beds in your property
Contact First/Last Name / Contact phone number / Contact email: Contact details for your properties so the BFS can contact you
Automatically send on the first of each month: If this is enabled Bedaya Connect sends each month the statistic of the previous month to the email address specified.
Send mail to: Email the statistic is send to. Usually, hotelstatistik@bfs.admin.ch
Send mail cc: Email the statistic is send as cc for information.
SIDAP Export
Execute steps 1-4 of the BFS Export
Choose SIDAP Export

Press "Create” button

This will generate a key that will be used to download the export at the computer the SIDAP Client runs.
Send the generated link to support@bedaya.ch. Include there the credentials for the SIPAP webpage so we can install the client on our Windows computer and configure the daily upload.
SIDAP Export
Execute steps 1-4 of the BFS Export
Choose SIDAP Export

Press "Create” button

This will generate a key that will be used to download the export at the computer the SIDAP Client runs.
Send the generated link to support@bedaya.ch. Include there the credentials for the SIPAP webpage so we can install the client on our Windows computer and configure the daily upload.
Updated on: 19/01/2022
Thank you!