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Delivery Manager / DPD Labels by Bedaya

The BedayaConnect delivery manager for bexio is designed to simplify your delivery processes. It has the following functionality:
Create DPD labels
Create a CSV for uploading to the Swiss Post website

You can find the delivery manager in BedayaConnect under bexio Tools

Menu bexio Tools

Set up the DPD connection

open BedayaConnect (]( and log in with your bexio account (green button).

click on the Service accounts menu. Then enter your DPD API access and your address in the DPD area.

DPD settings](

open the Delivery Manager and activate the subscription. After activation you can test the functionality free of charge for 14 days and cancel the subscription at any time.\n\n4. create a DPD label for a delivery\n* Select the delivery for which you want to create a DPD label (1)\n* Click on the DPD icon (2)\n* The label is created and downloaded automaticly\n\n\n\nCreate DPD label" class="csh-markdown csh-markdown-image">Create BedayaConnect subscription</a>\n\n4. create a DPD label for a delivery\n&ast; Select the delivery for which you want to create a DPD label (1)\n&ast; Click on the DPD icon (2)\n&ast; The label is created and downloaded automaticly\n\n\n\nCreate DPD label

so that you can print DPD labels directly from bexio, you must install the BedayaConnect Chrome Extension.

open the Chrome Store and install the extension: Link to the store](

click on the extension icon in Chrome and click log in. BedayaConnect opens. If you are not logged in, log in with your bexio account (green button). Click on the extension again. Instead of the login button, you should now see your e-mail address. You can then close the BedayaConnect window.\n\n3. open a delivery bill in bexio. The DPD icon appears at the top right. Click on this icon to start the creation of the DPD label.\n\nCreate DPD label from bexio" class="csh-markdown csh-markdown-image">Extension Login</a>\n\n3. open a delivery bill in bexio. The DPD icon appears at the top right. Click on this icon to start the creation of the DPD label.\n\nCreate DPD label from bexio

check the address in the window that appears. If ok, select the number of labels and press "Print labels". The label is created and downloaded

Updated on: 22/11/2023

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